
I am so grateful for each and everyone who joined my Weekend Away in the countryside. The Full Moon guided us through day and night. Thank you for being there. Photos: Andreas Weiss
When I started this blog in 2015, my intention was to inspire others to travel, just as I wanted it to do. Travel to live, to explore, to learn, to thrive and to find something, that can only be lived out there, with other travelers, alone, and finally within myself. Since then I got a...
A wonderful early morning SUP-Surf-Yoga and Breakfast together with Danique Driftwood. Thanks everyone for joining, it was a beautiful start into the day!   Photos by Andreas Weiss.
Some impressions of my Surf-Yoga Workshop Day in Salzburg Photos by Andreas Weiss 
India Yoga Teacher Training Flowers
“Even if you don´t wanna teach. Do a Yoga Teacher Training. It will change your life forever!” April said. She had just graduated her 200h Yoga Teacher Training in India and was now working in the surf camp together with me. And she should be right about that. Here is my experience during the Yoga Teacher...
Mit den richtigen Yoga-Moves und dem passenden Mindset besser surfen. Bereite dich mit Yoga gezielt auf den nächsten Trip ans Meer vor. Surfen. Das verlangt nicht nur körperliche Fitness, sondern auch mentalen Fokus, Konzentration, volle Aufmerksamkeit im Hier und Jetzt. Das kennen wir auch vom Yoga! Kein Wunder also, dass sich diese beiden Lebensweisen –...
Here are some of the pics from the Yoga Retreat on Agistri Island in Greece, that I was teaching at and organizing.It took place from the 27th of April until the 1st of March 2019.Thank you all for being there. It was a lovely experience!Everything was blooming. The lemons, the flowers, the whole island. And...
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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui.