Why I dont write anymore.

Another year has passed, and this blog is getting quieter and quieter. I haven’t been writing a lot. At least you might think. But behind the scenes, speaking of IN MY LIFE, I was writing a lot of stories. I lived, in a way that I never thought I would live. And I am gonna tell you a secret.

Here I am. Sitting down, feeling a little bit guilty that I´ve neglected you. My Blog. The reason I went home when I was still working (more than) full-time. Because I wanted to write. My little self-project that I opened up to the world. And now, 2,5 years later, I have stopped filling the empty pages. I stopped posting new articles. And now it is time. I have to tell you, that this blog will change. Because I learned about myself. And I figured out: I am not the classical travel blogger. Traveling for 1,5 years in a row, I have changed. A lot. And I thought, I don´t wanna give you advice. I don´t wanna tell you “whats best for you”.

Because I believe that everyone has got to find his own way.

Nevertheless, I will give you my impressions of the places I´ve been to. But the stories will change. I have never been the one to give advice where to eat and where to sleep, because if I like it somewhere, then I´ll come back there. And if I make friends, I go and visit them. I don’t follow the trends on where to travel. Sometimes I won’t even look at the season and end up in the rain. But who cares? It was fun after all! I just wanna do, what feels right in this moment.

I am not the one who will sleep in 5 hostels or even hotels within in a week in the same village, just to give you a heads up where the mattresses are most comfy. I am the one who crashes couches. The one who visits friends and helps out in exchange for accommodation.

I am not the one who will eat out every brunch, lunch, and dinner to show you the fanciest food. I am the one who cuts a pineapple, drinks a coconut and lays in the hammock while chatting with friends after a surf.

I am not the one who will travel a whole country within two weeks. Rushing through and doing it all. Checking off my Bucketlist. This is not who I am. I am the one who gets lost and changes her plans. I am the one who makes friends and is heartbroken when we cannot share the same path and move on in different directions.

And so I lived. I lived to the fullest and had the best time of my life.

And I am sure, that there is more for me to come. Now it is time to figure out where the next step will take me. I am back home in good old Vienna at the moment. I am working on a beautiful Christmas Market and meeting my beloved old friend, that some of them I´ve known over 10 years. I am doing Yoga and I try to find out where my heart wanna go, so I can follow along.

This is why I haven’t been writing here. But, and this is the secret that I´ve been hiding, I´ve been writing a book. Or, I am still working on it. So don´t get too excited, because this will take a while.

Writing this post I realized how much I missed blogging, and I hope that I will find more time for it. Again. And I also hope that you understand the way I feel. I am looking forward to reading your messages, hear your feedback and chat about your experiences. I wanna hear how traveling has changed YOU. I wanna read your stories and discuss feelings.

What is your story?

So don´t be afraid to leave me a message. Because whenever someone tells me: “I´ve never seen you happier” or “It is so impressive that you´ve done what a lot of people only speak about but never dare” it makes me so happy because I wanna inspire others to travel.

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10 Responses
  1. Absolut nachvollziehbar, deine Gedanken. Aauch wenn es den “klassischen” Reiseblogger meiner Meinung nach schon fast nicht mehr gibt, so vielschichtig die ganze Szene in den letzten Jahren geworden ist. Aber ja, man merkt schon, dass der “Druck” größer wird, seine eigene Nische zu finden (und gefälligst dabei zu bleiben). Doch darauf haben auch viele keine Lust. Dein Blog ist dein Blog ist dein Blog. Mach daraus, was du für richtig hältst. Und wenn es statt 100 neuer Beiträge eben 200 Buchseiten gibt – auch fein!

    Liebe Grüße,

    1. malindkate

      Hallo Flo! Danke für deine Gedanken! Für mich hat sich das Reisen an sich einfach verändert. Eher fliege ich in ein Land ohne Plan und lass mich inspirieren als vorab alles zu planen, das habe ich unter anderem auch damit gemeint. Deswegen wirds hier auch weniger Tips von wegen – where to eat, sleep und die klassischen touristen spots geben, aber doch ab und zu Updates denke ich. 🙂
      Mein Blog war immer ein Projekt für mich selbst, ein bisschen um mir selbst Mut zuzusprechen, und es wirklich zu tun. Nämlich weggehen und Reisen. Niemals durchgeplant und für den “Markt ausgerichtet” um eine Nische und/oder die breite Masse zu erreichen 🙂 Der einzige Druck den es gibt im Leben ist der, den man sich selbst macht. Das habe ich in den letzten Jahren definitiv für mich gelernt.

      Freue mich natürlich immer Neues von dir und allen anderen zu lesen! Und hoffe ihr habt ganz viel Erfolg und nur weiter so!!
      ganz liebe Grüsse, Kathi

  2. Hallo Kathi, ich hab gerade an dich gedacht und deshalb auf deinem Blog vorbeigeschaut. Ich kann mich Flo nur anschließen. Dein Blog ist dein Blog ist dein Blog. Und dir: Planlos Reisen ist das Beste, was es gibt. Mich macht das auch mega glücklich. LG und ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf dein Buch. Theresa

  3. in love mum

    It is your life in which you live and nothing and no one should stop you from doing that, that makes you happy. There is nothing better than to know you are healthy and happy. I am very proud of you!

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